Plug-in documentation and sample code are outdated | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Plug-in documentation and sample code are outdated

  • I understand that the MDaemon plug-in development documentation is outdated.

    In addition to the date of last update in the file C:\MDaemon\Docs\API\Plugins.txt, which is in 2019, the document refers to legacy plug-ins and not to those that MDaemon uses now and which are only mentioned in the PluginAPI.h file.

    The example plug-in is also based on the legacy architecture: C:\MDaemon\Docs\API\Sample Plugin.

    Would it be possible for both the documentation and the example to be updated and aligned with the modern plug-ins used by MDaemon in version 23.5 or, 24.0 when available?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Emanuele,

    I'll see if I can put something together for a future version. Sound good? Perhaps v25.

  • Hello Keith,

    regarding updating the plug-in documentation, I thank you in advance if you can update it in the future.

    I'm not in a hurry at the moment, so v25.0 would be fine, because I'm always caught up in the node-mdaemon-api project and I only opened the plug-in document because I had a new idea and wanted to see how complex the plug-in development was.

  • Understood. Since I designed/developed the newer Plugin API, only makes sense that I put together a sample for it. I tried to document/comment the PluginAPI.h header pretty well as things were added, but like most software developers, I hate writing documentation. I'll get with Jon and Arron regarding the docs.

  • For future reference, this was created as Work Item 27759

  • Keith, if needed, I will volunteer as a 'dumb programmer' to read the draft document.

  • LOL! Thanks Emanuele.

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