Webmail Logs | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Webmail Logs

  • Dear Team,

    I am currently in the process of tracing a case that requires me to view the log of webmail activity. Unfortunately, I have been unable to locate any files related to the webmail log.

    Therefore, I have enabled "Log everything into separate dile based on the date".

    Thank you for your attention to this matter.

    Ken Doan.

  • There should be a file with webmail in the name.  With your current configurations it should be named webmail-$DATE$.log.  Does the file exist in MDaemon's log directory?

    If it does not exist, open the MDaemon\WorldClient\WorldClient.ini file and check the [General] section, what is the value that is set for LogLevel?


  • Dear @Arron

    Following your introduction, I discovered that my WorldClient.ini file has the following setting in the General section:


    I believe I should change the LogLevel to a different level for debugging purposes. Could you please suggest the appropriate level that allows me to debug all activities?

    Thank you.

  • Those are the default settings.  You can increase the logging for WDaemon by setting the WDaemonLogLevel=1, but I doubt its going to be what you need.  If you do change the setting, you'll need to save your changes and restart webmail in order for the changes to be recognized by the server.

    What version of MDaemon are you using?

    Is the webmail log file being created in the d:\mdaemon\logs directory?


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