Calendar scheduling information not retrieved | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Calendar scheduling information not retrieved

  • Currently using EAS through mDaemon Pro v22.0.3.. When I go to schedule a calendar meeting with a co-worker, I am unable to see if they have anything already scheduled. I get a grey bar that says information could not be retrieved.  I tried sharing their calendar with me, giving myself "Lookup" and "Read" access but that still didnt work. All that did was add his calendar to my list of available calendars (not what I am looking for).

    Has anyone run into this and if so how do I resolve it.



  • What client are you using?

  • Outlook 2013 and 2016

  • Have you enabled the Free/Busy server in MDaemon?  Setup / Web & IM Services / Webmail / Calendar.

    Once its enabled, you need to configure Outlook to search it by going to File / Options / Calendar / Free|Busy Options

    In the Search Location field enter

    where "" is the hostname for your server.  You'll also want to make sure webmail is configured to use HTTPS or change the entry in Outlook to use HTTP.  

    WorldClient must be enabled and running in order to use the Free/Busy server.  

    This should allow the free/busy information to be populated in Outlook.


  • @Arron Worked perfectly. Thank you

  • Hello,

    I allow myself to bounce on this post because I encounter the same problem.
    From webmail worldclient it works fine. But in outlook from an outlook connector account it remains greyed out.
    I use Outlook 2021 and 2019
    I have correctly indicated in the outlook options:


    thanking you in advance for your help



  • @Arnaud thank you for your patience.

    In your screenshot, you have X for the last two items in the IP, I presume this is for masking purposes and the full IP is being used in actuality?
    Is the Outlook profile set to use HTTPS and is it using the same IP or a name in DNS? Is the certificate trusted? Certs use a fully qualified name, matching what's in use and you are using an IP - are you getting any popups about the cert not being trusted?

  • Thanks for your feedback.
    I confirm that the XXX are to hide the ip.
    I don't see what option you are talking about when you ask me if HTTPS is configured in OUTLOOK. Outlook is configured with the outlook connector. In the configuration I indicated the DSN name of my server. I also tried to configure the availability options with my DNS name, but that doesn't work either.
    My certificate is a known certificate, on the other hand OUTLOOK does not ask me anything certificate level.
    I do not really know what else to do.
    Thank you again for your help.

  • In this screen shot you provided it shows that you are configuring Outlook to look at https://192.168.x.x to publish Free/Busy information. 

    This is not correct  

    You need to enter the URL in the "Emplacement de recherche" field.  

    Also, you currently are using https://192.168.X.X in the URL.  This will generate a certificate error that could cause an issue for Outlook or cause Outlook to not use the results.  Change it to use http://192.168.X.X or, where is a hostname that is supported by the certificate in place for webmail.


  • Hi Arron,

    A big thank you for your help, the error was quite stupid.
    It works perfectly.

  • I'm glad its working for you!

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