Calendar meeting doesn't get deleted automatically. | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Calendar meeting doesn't get deleted automatically.

  • When I create a Meeting in MDaemon calendar and send to attendee's, and then cancel the meeting, it doesnt automatically get erased from attendee's calendar (They do get the cancellation notification). They have to physically go into their calendar and remove it. While if the meeting was created from Gmail account, it gets deleted from all attendee's automatically. 

    Is there a way to make cancelled meetings automatically get deleted from attendee's calendar? I enabled automatically accept and process cancellations, but its doesnt seem to work.

    Thank you.

  • Is webmail being used to create the meeting and cancel the meeting, or is it a different email client?  If its a different email client, what is the client?

    If it is webmail being used, what theme are you using?

    What version of MDaemon are you using?

  • Thank you for the reply.

    Im using webmail to create the meeting and Im using lookout theme. Version is 23.5.3

  • When viewing the meeting cancellation notification, if the user clicks the remove from calendar button, is the event removed from their calendar?

  • Yes. when the user/attendee clicks on "Remove from calendar" button to remove the meeting, then it'll get erased.

    but Im trying to see if there was a way to automatically erase the meeting from calendar when the notice is sent out, just like how invites work.

    Users/attendees dont need to add it to the calendar when they received the invite. Just trying to figure out how to automatically do the opposite.

    Thank you.

  • If you have the option selected to automatically process meeting and cancellation requests it should be removing it automatically.  Can you send me a screen shot of the setting for the account being invited to the meeting?  Accounts / Edit Account / Select the account / Settings.

    I'm testing with the options for "Automatically place new meeting requests on calendar, marked tentative", "Account automatically processes meeting and cancellation requests", and "automatically decline requests that conflict with an existing event" enabled and so far I have not seen an issue with events being left on the calendar after the organizer cancels the meeting.  

    In MDaemon's routing log, when the account receives the meeting cancellation, what is logged?  It should look something like this:

      Tue 2024-05-07 12:35:27.261: ----------
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: LOCAL message: pd5001000006232.msg
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: *  From:
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: *  To:
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: *  Subject: Cancelled: Test #205
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: *  Message-ID: <>
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: *  Size: 1895; <c:\mdaemon\users\\user2\md5001000000036.msg>
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: *  Meeting request found; calendar event was deleted
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:36:37.318: ----------

  • All of those setting are enabled....

    I will get you the log as soon as I can.

    Thank you.

  • @Arron

    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:14.446: ----------
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: LOCAL message: pd5001020200044.msg
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: *  From:
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: *  To: "test user 2" <>
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: *  Subject: Cancelled: test
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: *  Message-ID: <>
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: *  Size: 1882; <d:\mdaemon\users\\user2\md5001000049424.msg>
    Tue 2024-05-07 12:47:19.484: ----------

  • Was the "test" meeting added to user2's default calendar?  You can see the default calendar by logging into webmail and going to Options / Folders.

    Can you confirm that user2 has the option enabled to automatically process meeting and cancellation requests?

    Please send me a zipped copy of d:\mdaemon\users\\user2\md5001000049424.msg along with the Calendar.mrk file from d:\mdaemon\users\\user2\Calendar.IMAP\, assuming the default calendar for user2 is "Calendar".  

    Please upload the files to and let me know once you've uploaded them.

  • @Arron Tested a different users and confirmed setting was enabled, this was successful. Unable to confirm the first case in this thread. Is there a global command to have this be automically set to be enabled?

  • You can use the Groups & Templates in MDaemon to enable the setting for all users.  Accounts / Groups & Templates.


  • @Arron Is there a way to apply this patch to existing accounts? It only affects new accounts correct?

  • Groups & Templates can be used to apply settings to any accounts that are members of a group.  It is not just for controlling the settings of newly created accounts.

    Create a template that controls the settings and has them set the way you'd like them for the accounts in the group. 

    Create a group, Add all accounts as members of the group. Then apply the template to the group.


  • Its was a settings issue.

    some of our recipients didnt have all the options selected.

    Thank you for your help! Really appreciated it!

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