CF, Extract attachment not working correctly | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

CF, Extract attachment not working correctly

  • Hello

    I'm trying to extract XLSX attachments from a regular sender to the shared location without any changes to the original message.
    The rule is simple

    RuleName=Store XLSX attachments
    Action01=extract attachments|"0","*.xlsx","E:\temp","0"

    Log shows that "* Message matched rule: 162 "Store XLSX attachments" (Hits: 7)", but nothing is saved in the configured location.
    If I change the rule to extract any attachment and send that same message WINMAIL.DAT file is saved instead of test XLSX.
    Received MSG itself, in text editor, shows

    Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet;
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="text.xlsx"

    What would be the right way to do this?


  • Can you upload a copy of the message for me to test with?

    Once the file is uploaded, please let me know the name of the file.

  • please let me know the name of the file


  • I tested using the rule and message provided and its working correctly for me using MDaemon 23.5.3.

    What version of MDaemon are you using?

    Are other content filter rules being applied to the message prior to this rule?

  • What version of MDaemon are you using?

    Latest, 23.5.3

    Are other content filter rules being applied to the message prior to this rule?


    How do I troubleshoot?

  • If you take the EML file that you uploaded for me to test with, rename it to md5000000001.msg and place it in MDaemon's local queue. Is the attachment correctly extracted when MDaemon processes the message?

  • If you take the EML file that you uploaded for me...

    It is extracted correctly

    Today, as I've missed the actual message, to test the rule I've substituted actual sender with my GMail address, everything else the same. Dozen or so attempts, attachment was either not extracted at all (if it was XLSX in the rule) or was extracted as winmail.dat (if any attachment was to be extracted).
    Now, it's working any way I try it. I guess dozen tries are not enough...

    Sorry to bother you with this Arron
    Thank you very much

  • No problem, I'm glad its working for you now.

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