Remove img signature specific Receiver | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Remove img signature specific Receiver

  • We have configured the mail signature with HTML files. 
    What we want is that it removes the images of the signature and that it does not attach those images in the mail, when the mail is sent to a specific domain/recipient. 

    We have been reviewing the filter rules of the content, with the rule "search and replace in the body", we have put that it looks for the tagged expression, it removes the images but it attaches them in the email.

    Is there any way to remove the images from the signature for a specific receiver?


  • What email client is being used to send the email?

    Where is the signature being configured?  If you have it configured in MDaemon, Please tell me the menu locations to get to where you have it configured. 

    Can you provide a sample message that the signature has been added to that has not been edited by the content filter along with a copy of the content filter rule that you have created?  You can find the content filter rule in MDaemon\app\cfrules.dat.

  • If you can share the content requested, please put it in a zip file and upload it to

  • Thank you for your response and your attention, 


    As a client we use mademon webmail.

    We have to configured the signature in an html file that is saved in the "WC" folder of each user.

    I have uploaded an eml sent without filtering the content and the rule we have created.

  • I've made a few changes to the content filter rule and I think I have it doing what you want.

    I'd reccomend checking the X-MDaemon-Deliver-To header instead of the To header.  If the message is sent to multiple people there will be multiple copies of the message, each copy will have the address in the To field.  Only the copy of the message being sent to will have in the X-MDaemon-Deliver-To header.

    I changed the action to use the Extract Attachments action and gave it a local path on disk to save the attachments to.  You'll want to delete the files from this path on occassion or they will just pile up.

    There are JPG and PNG files attached to the message.  I wasn't sure if you wanted to remove them all or just the PNG attachments.  The rule below removes all attachmenst that have a type of "image/*"  If you only want to remove PNG attachments, adjust the action to look for either "image/png" or change it to look at the file name and look for *.png.  

    Does this do what you are wanting to do?

    RuleName=New Rule #12
    Action01=extract attachments|"1","image/","C:\Temp","1"

  • I think I did not explain well, what we want is to remove the images from the signature when we send mail to a customer.

    We have tried with the option "search and replace in body", with this option we replace the <img alt> tag with "". That removes the images from the signature, but the removed images are attached to the email.

    I see that in the rule you have put to remove the images always,...

    We can't always remove attachments, because we may have to send the pictures (png, jpeg) to the client...



  • So when you send a message to a specific recipient, you want the HTML of the signature to be altered so it doesn't try to show the images and you want only those images removed from the email.   

    It sounds like you have the search and replace working to edit the HTML of the signature so I'll leave that part alone.

    The only way to distinguish between which image files are part of the signature and which ones are not, is by using the file name.  So you'll need to use a consistent naming scheme for the images in the signature.  For example, if, when you created the signature you used files named signatureimage01.png, signatureimage02.png, etc...  Then you could use the content filter to remove attachments named "signatureimage*.png".  Then as long as you were not trying to send an image to the recipient named signatureimage*.png it should only remove the images in the signature.

    Another, much easier option to implement, would be to create a second signature that doesn't include the images in the first place and have the person sending the email, choose the desired signature before clicking send.  This could be a challenge for the sender to remember to change the signature though.



  • Hi Arron,

    I have tried what you say, what happens is that the png files are no longer attached but it puts it in the body header with a message:

    The following files were extracted and can be downloaded with the following links:

    File: image1.png (6 kb)
    File: image2.png (7 kb)
    File: image3.png (2 kb)
    File: image4.png (76 kb)

    Also, having replaced the <img> tag with white space, it leaves the rest of the HTML in the signature. It doesn't look professional at all.

    Isn't there any way to remove the signature for a recipient or create a special signature for them?

  • I have tried what you say, what happens is that the png files are no longer attached but it puts it in the body header with a message:

    The following files were extracted and can be downloaded with the following links:

    Use the "Extract Attachments to Folder" content filter action instead of the "Extract Attachments and add link..." action.

    Also, having replaced the <img> tag with white space, it leaves the rest of the HTML in the signature. It doesn't look professional at all.

    As I mentioned previoulsy, I was under the impression that you had the search and replace working.  So I haven't touched it.  But I'll start off with saying it is not going to be easy.   The first issue I see is that there is no way to differentiate HTML in the email signature versus HTML in the rest of the body.  So even if I do get something to work you may still run into issues with it changing more than just the signature. Please send me the HTML for the signature as you would like it to look for this recipient along with a screen shot of what you'd like the signature to look like and I'll see what I can come up with.

    Isn't there any way to remove the signature for a recipient or create a special signature for them?

    As I mentioned previously, the best way to do this is to change the signature before the message is sent.  We do not have a feature to remove a signature and add a new one based on the recipient of the email.  It is far better and easier to just apply the desired signature in the first place.

  • Hi Arron, 


    Thank you very much for you support. 

    We will try to make a second signtaure without images.


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