IKARUS AV definition version: 0 | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

IKARUS AV definition version: 0


    After updating to 23.0.2 from 22.0.3 IKARUS appeared, after the first update its signature version was correct, and then it became 0. I tried stopping the server, renaming the ikarus folder, rearranging mdeamon (the license file MDaemon\SecurityPlus\Ikarus\scan.server\conf\licensestore.data was missing), but still, first it writes signatures with version 1 from 2012, then it is updated to the current ones, and when new ones appear, version 0 again.
    Now he writes:

    IKARUS AV definition version:  0
    Signature date:  2023-09-27 18:16:03

  • Hi, thank you for reporting this issue, it will be fixed in the next version of MDaemon. In the meantime it will not affect the functionality of Ikarus. It will continue to download and apply the definitions. If you need to see the version number it will be in the update.log file in MDaemon\SecurityPlus\Ikarus\scan.server\log\update


  • @Leigh 

    After conducting an experiment on a test bench (trial license), it was found that after reinstalling Mdaemon and renaming the “ikarus” folder to “ikarusOLD”, the “ikarus” folder did not contain a license file. This resulted in the correct display of the signature version, but when the license file was returned to the new “ikarus” folder, the version displayed as 0. The same experience on the production server led to the fact that if there was no license file, MDaemon would create two log entries every second to verify the license and a local queue would start to accumulate. Upon returning the license file, the queue would disappear.

  • @Vladimir what you are describing sounds to me like an issue that was fixed in MDaemon 23.5, which was released last week. This is the issue as documented in the release notes:

    [27018] fix to process holding queue after each AV signature update not working with Ikarus AV

  • @Leigh, unfortunately, on 23.5.0 the result is the same, after renaming the ikarus folder, at first the antivirus was updated to the current version and its number was there, but with the next update it again began to show signature version 0.

  • @Vladimir the version showing as 0 was not fixed in 23.50, it will be fixed in the future. It should not affect the functionality of Ikarus. What I was referring to as being fixed in 23.50 was messages staying in the holding queue after an AV update. These are two separate issues.

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